
VIA de CRISTO is a method of forming Christian community.  A Christian community is a group of people working together to share Christ in the world by spreading God’s love, forgiveness, and encouragement to others.

We strive to maintain our community through:

Group Reunion.  Group reunion is a voluntary meeting of a small group of Christian friends to share with one another their efforts to live and grow in union with Christ through piety, study, and action.  Members of small groups support, encourage, and challenge each other to grow in faith and to share Christ in their environments.  Looking for a Reunion Group?  Email us to put you in touch with your closest active group.

Ultreya.  Ultreya is a Spanish term meaning “persevere.”  It is a reunion of reunion groups and those who may not currently part of a reunion group.  The purpose is to give and receive encouragement for living out one’s faith in the “Fourth Day” through worship, communion, and sharing.  The Journey in Faith community holds an Ultreya the second Saturday of each month, at alternating locations.  See our calendar for dates and locations.  We have a potluck meal, so bring a dish to share, if you can!

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